Sanic.exe/Roond 2

t's been more than 69 years now ever since the "Sanic.exe Raeps" began to happen, and the po-lease department STILL(needs to be caps) doesn't know who's doing it or why it's happening.(This believe it may be some creepy hyena rapist) The first raeps looked as though the raepist did a sloppy job at it, but overtime the raeps--or at least some of the guys back at the station THONK(needs to be caps) it's just raeps--have gotten more elaborate; bodies have been starting to look like the retards just dropped dead after the harcore anal raep or there were disappearances. ONE(da cops lock) thing is certain, all the retards seem to each have a burned/destroyed Mac with some data from a game called "Sanic.exe".(Its a mac, what do you fucking except?)
None of us have found any connections or clues that could help us learn why all of this bullshit is happening...Well, no, that's not true, there was one cap who may have uncovered more about the raeps than we fucking did.
The fucking guy's name was Butt Mcgee, a really good detective(and gayboi), mainly because he was always teamed up with his sister, Whore. They were assigned to investigate the "Sanic.exe Raeps", I should fucking know because I was their fucking bass at the time.
They're both dead.(After they were raeped)
Sometimes I wonder if I should have fucking helped him....I dunno...Anyways, my sex slaves have found Butt's porn website when we investigated his sex dungeon, he hasn't been in his dungeon for years. The porn website recorded all of what Butt found in his investigation, my gad, did he fucking write down a lot, especially after the Chief of Fucking Po-lease took him off the case, and alot of what he jizzed down seems to c-c-c-connect a lot about what's going on with these raeps...AAAt least, I hope he was on too samething... Here is what Butt wrote...
7:30 pm June 6th, 666
Happy Fuckday to me! I got this porn website as a gift from my sister, Whore. This will certainly cum in handy when we both do another investigation. Oh, I forgot to tell you, name's Butt Mcgee, I'm a detective...Wow, I'm not "rly"really(NO TEXT WRITING FAGGOT) good at this. Hopefully I'll get better as I write in this. Anyways, I'll let you know if anything focking else happens.
6:66 am October 26th, 2011
Wowwiez, pretty interesting way to fucking start off a case on Analowiener. Our bass told us there's a dead raepy in one of the local shitholes and wants us to check dat shit out. Beenz a while since my fatass and Whore tackled a raep case, this might be interesting. I can't focking waitz to see da cum filled corpse. We're in the pedo-van right now and we're heading for the box.
6:66 pm
Holy fack...Whatever happened in this box I was not expecting. The raep victim looks like something ripped his mouth open and tried to shove something down it. Most likely its penis. I've seen alotta messed up ways to raep a person, but this is rather strange, I don't "rly"REALLY(I SAID NO TEXT TALK FAGGOT) think any normal person would do this.(unless they raep hyena)
The cap present at the crime scene told us that the little bitch was like this for 2 days and his parents just discovered his body and called us in this morning.(Use a condom if it takes you 2 days to notice your dead son) What's "rly"REALLY(OH MY FUCKING GOD NO TEXT TALK FAG) funny about this is that there's a badly made cut on his balls that's shaped like the number "1".
Whore sucked my butt and told me she found a possible clue to the raep. She showed us that the little bitch owned a Mac, The Mac is badly burnt and wrecked. Both me and Whore have a theory to this: Either the raepist destroyed the Mac or the bitch did it himself, either way we sent it to the fucking station for research.
Alright, the sex slaves from pornhub have their report.
They told us that the mac's wrecked from inside AND out(er ma gawd), and what I mean by that is that everything that was on this little bitches's mac is completely deleted while at the same time the mac got destroyed. The only thing that seems to STILL be in the mac is some data from a vidya game called "Sanic.exe".
6:66 pm November 11th, 2011
A couple more raeps these last few weeks, all the same raep method; dead bodies, torn open mouths, cum all over da inside of the throats, destroyed macs. The more recent raeps are looking less "messy", as if the raepist is being more careful with shoving his dick down the retard's throats. There are also cuts on these retards' gentials that seem to be in numerical order; "2", "3", "4", "5" and "6".
The raepist seems to be keeping count of all the people he's raeping.
8:30 pm
Had sex, both me and Whore are cumstorming with what’s been going on… It’s really strange, the fact that macs are getting destroyed every time there’s a dead and raeped retard and we find that there’s some old data from the same vidya game…
“Sanic.exe”….That name reminds me of all the times me and Whore played some of our old Sanic the Shithog video games. I remember when we used to play Sanic Sex Heroes, she always liked playing as Rouge the Slut and I always liked playing as Vector the Cock Whore.
But…It’s stoopid…What does a Sanic game, a possibly fantard-made one at that, got to do with all these raeps?
2:46 pm December 6nd, 2011
Another raep, big fucking surprise there. But now both me and Whore agree that all these raeps are connected with that game. Maybe the raepist made it as his calling card to raep da player? The Chief of Buttsecks told us not to worry so much about a simple vidya game and just stick with what’s going on with the raeps.
6:36 pm
Autopsy came in again, the sex slaves told us that aside from the wounds from the gentails and mouth, the victims don’t seem to show any signs of a raep or a struggle, in fact, as baffling as it seems, all the retards appear to be in perfect health, apart from the fact that they’re fucking “ded”.
I airchecked the word “ded” because that’s where the report cummed out really retarded; the slaves stated that they’re all in what appears to be in a Persistent Vegetative State(totally didnt google for any random disease), meaning that these autists are in fact still alive, their tiny brains and fat hearts are still working, but they’re all in an empty, dead-like state, as if something robbed them of their virginity.  8---)   )*(
Whore stated it was probably one of the loliest things she’s seen in her days as my sex-pal, and I blame her because she has always been a little pussy.
Who would be capable of actually stealing these retard's virginity? It’s like the Devil(SO SCORY) is handpicking fucking retards and robbing them of their virginity by raeping der buttholez..
6:46 pm December 14th, 2011
Whore has been acting very stoopid lately. She seems quieter at work and whenever we go home she goes back into her cage. I’m guessing she’s just as determined to masterbating more than I am.
If she’s on to something, I hope she lets me knows first before we make it oficial. After all, we are sex-pals
2:00 pm December 19th, 2011
Whore didn’t go to the sex dungeon with me. Said she wasn’t feeling well…I’m starting to not give a fuck about her. Ever since we took this case she’s been acting rather retarded.
I dunno, maybe I’m overreacting, Big Bass told me to not worry about dat shit and maybe just look into what she was researching on. I might do that shit. But first, I got to go choke da chicken. (cum stains here)
Also, several news(engrish is hard) about retards worshiping this guy recently. Calls himself “X”. I swear, the things autists will be into nowadays…
9:30 pm December 24th, 2011
Almost time for Shitmas, though I dunno if I should celebrate.
Whore's been shut up in her room almost every fucking day. Not responding to me…I hope that bitch died… Anyways, I’ve been looking into Whore's work, and I think she might have found some shitz.
Apparently the raeper must be going after anyone who plays the Sanic.exe vidya game. And once they’ve played the game, the raeper tracks them down, raeps their butthole and keeps count by carving the numbers onto their gentails. But what about the fact that almost every retard looks as though they had their virginity sucked right out of their anus?
Wait a fucking minute…I just remembered something…
A few days ago, Whore came home from the sex store at Hove Beach and went back into her cage…she said she found a new vidya game….
….Oh my gad…Whore!
12:32 am
(The writing is a bit sloppy and there are tears and cum splotched here and there)
…..Whore is dead….She found da game…..Oh my gad, why….
4:50 am December 25th, 2011
I called the guys back at the sex dungeon to help me move Whore….Oh gad, why? Why her? Did the raeper found out(engrish hard) and tried to cover his tracks? No, it doesn’t look like anything was taken or destroyed…well except for the shitty chromebook…and the game is still here…I wanted to keep dat shit to find out why this had happened but the Chief of Anal demanded I shove up his asshole…The way he asked for it is really sexual, it’s as if he doesn’t want me to get the pleasure of shoving it up my ass.
The funeral for my slutty sex tool will be prepared in a few decades…I can’t believe that Whore…my own sex tool, is ded…When I find out who raeped and pwned her, I’m gonna make sure he pays with lubeless hardcore buttsecks. I will make da raepist's anus bleedz hyper-realistic bluud.
6:66 pm December 28th, 2011
Came back from the fucking funeral. Gad am I a mess. Thankfully Big Bass was there for me, he’s the only person who’s ever fucked me and Whore, I’m glad he’s up my ass about this case.
A slut cummed to me in the funeral party. Her name is Shannon Fuckman, and she was supposedly a representative for the “Cult of X”, as she called it. She told me she was sarry for my loss and pulled out some weird religious crap from her anus about “X” wishing me a happier year. Seriously? Who is this “X” faggot anyway? She told me that soon “X” will make fuck shit up for the whole world, which pretty much ended the conversation right there. That slut is batshit insane.
Anyways, more news about the Cult of X doing more crazy crap, holyfuckingfuck, whoever this “X” retard is he’s making as much an impact on the public as the raepist is.
2:26 pm January 2nd 2012
Another raep. Jasus, this douche never has a break with this does he? This is like the 66nd raep! What is he trying to gain from raeping all the retards? And how the HELL is he getting away with it so god fucking damn easily?
I gotta know what it is Whore was finding. She was on to something I just fucking know it. Maybe if I look around in her sex cage I might find some shitz.
6:66 pm
Well, whatever Whore found, she left alotta stupid bullshit for me. The shitty little chromebook isn’t entirely broken. In fact it seems like it only got cock slapped alittle bit and cummed on, but still surprisingly working like new.(which means its working like shit) I’m actually not surprised I didn’t see dis shit that night, since im a fucking retard. But then again, if you lost someone you love to have incest with, you too would lose sight of very important shitz surrounding you.
Anyfuckingways I checked the chromebook and there’s an icon for the Sanic.exe game on her desktop. My gad, how the hell did Whore even get this? I guess it doesn’t really matter. What’s really important is what I found on her porn website.
Apparently Whore was terrified of this unscary garbage. Something from the vidya game scared the CRAP(needed caps lock) out of her. In fact according to what she cummed down, she made it seem like the game is cursed or some bullshit like that. But that can’t be the case, there’s no way a shitty ass fantard made game would harm anyone…right?
7:12 am January 6rd 2012
Okay, I dont changed my mind, maybe there isnt something spooky about the game about this bullshit. Last night I had a dream…no…a wet dream, more like. I remember it well: I was trapped in darkness, all was quiet except someone was laughing and talking to me and hyena having sex. I kept having visions of Sanic the Shithog smiling and appearing all around me as he talked to me and jerked off. He told me to DOWNLOAD THE FILE, over and over again, each time sounding more impatient. When he got to my face and yelled like mutahar “DOWNLOAD DA FILE!” that’s when I woke up with a loud orge roar and cumshot…
…Why would Sanic want me to play a game that possibly pwned my slutty sex tool?(even those this was just a dream)
3:30 pm
Another raep. Number 82. And the Fandom of X seems to be fucking the public more and more. What’s their deal? Don’t they realize that there’s a raepist on da loose?
……Wait a minute….
What if this “X” faggot is the raepist?
It would make sense, ever since these raeps started this cult of whores has been hanging around recruiting more and more morons. And this “X” douche they’re worshiping….Who is he? Why is it that this cult even started after several raeps have taken place? I looked over Whore's notes again and she seemed to agree with me. Apparently X has something to do with dis bullshit Sanic.exe game. Did he make da game? Is he somehow got a hold(guud engrish) of it and thought, “Hey! If I kill raep with this game, people will suck me dick!”?
If what X is doing is fucking real, then something is SERIOUSLY(needed caps) facking wrong with dis shitz.
6:66 pm
UnFUCKINGbelievable! The Chief of Po-lease came over to my sex dungeon a while ago and told me that the investigation may be too much for my pussy ass to handle and he said I was off the case! What the FRICKING FRICK?! I’ve practically found alotta bullshit for it and he practically told me that I shouldn’t continue on! He also said that Whore would have wanted me to quit with this after what happened. BULLSHIT FACKING WHORE HORSE COCK SHIT!1!1!!!!1!!111!1!
Whatever, I’m not gonna let some fatfuck stap me from solving dis shit. I am gonna find out who X really is, why he’s doing all of dis bullshitz and I’m gonna fuck his anus till it bluuds everywhere!!!!111!
6:36 pm February 6th, 2012
More raeps, we’re up to 106 nowz. The Big Bass contocts me about this shit every now and then behind the Chief’s anus, he told me that whoever is causing all these raeps is one smart son of a horsecack. I can’t really blame da big bass and his big cack. As much as I hate to admit it, I have to give X credit for being able to raep and pwn 106 retards so far. But he’s not gonna get away with dis. Anyways, I’ve looked over Whore’s notes again and it what she wrote down(engrish still haerd) before she got raeped was very retarded, nonsensical stuff about a Sanic plushie always watching her, cock slapping her clit…
…I never saw a Sanic doll in the sex dungeon. Then again I never questioned my sluts’s sanity. She was always the retarded one in things and it just pleasures me to realize how brain dead she was just before she got raeped…. I didn’t tell the Big Bass about X or Whore's notes. I know he won’t believe my dumbass. Nobody will. I guess if you have to solve a case, you have to fucking do it yourself.
8:36 pm
Someone sent a sex request on my Shitpe. He calls himself Sexy Banana. He said he can help me with this bullshit, but only if I can fuck him hard.
I rly(......) don’t have a choice. I’m willing to shove my cock into anything to end dis shit.
Anyways, Sexy Banana told me that I first have to get the sex tapes of all the retards in the “Sanic.exe Raeps”, that’s what the news is starting to call this shit now that the po-lease has confirmed the old vidya game data in the macs as evidence.
Later on tonight, I’m gonna pay the sex palace a little visit.
11:45 pm
Haly Fack, what a close coll. I just made it back from the sex palace. I managed to shove all the sex tapes up my anus and I had a run in with the Chief of Buttsecks. He asked what I was doing back in the sex palace, I lied and told him that I had to shove a few things from my office up my ass and decided to take some time off. Thankfully he believed that bullshit…but, it’s strange, the way he talked to me sounded like he didn’t believe that shit in the slightest.(this feels like a terrible foreshadow) Anyways, I got the sex tapes just like Sexy Banana asked.
I told Sexy Banana that all of the retards had the same occurrences: all of them were in a raeped-like state, as if their virginity were taken out, that they were all “numbered”, and that each mac the retards had were somehow wrecked and had Sanic.exe inside the hard cock drives.
Sexy Banana said there’s a reason why all the retards had Sanic.exe in their macs, and boy did I not like da fucking answer…
The Cult of X is involved. Their slaves, after someone gets raeped, steals the game disc the retard had at the time and hides it away in their anus until it shows up later on at a random place to easily obtain it.(wut) These random locations could be anything: a sex store, a pwned shop, the block market, eBay(original), Fagslist, random yet seemingly harmless sexliveries, anywhere that involves buying shit. That way, when the next potential moron finds it, he or she becomes the new owner of the unscary Sanic.exe game until X comes to raep them and then a slave of the cult comes to steal away the game disc like a dirty hobo again, and thus the idiotic cycle begins all fucking over.
I asked Sexy Banana why the cult is even doing this, and he told me that “X”, the faggot, is clearly some sort of holy pile of shit to the cult and they will do whatever it takes to have his dick up their ass till it bleeds bluud.
What does they see in X, anyhow? Why is it they like him so much that they’re willing to be accomplices to raep?(maybe a large cock) Or better yet…What kind of sex magic does X have to strike so much lust into these retards that they’ll do whatever the fatass says?
6:36 pm March 1st, 2012
I couldn’t hold myself any longer, I had to blow my load all over my sex doll and than find out what Whore found in that unscary garbage.
So I played dat shit.
It started off pretty basic with the assic Sanic the Shithog title screen…until I started it.
Sanic…his eyes had gone block and there were red glowing dats staring at meh soul…(dis cliche is back)
Anyways, when I got on the slut selection screen (yes, this game apparently has one.), I was shown the character lineup: Emo, Slutbag and Rouge…Rouge was Whore’s favorite character. I chose not to play as her out of respect for Whore and chose Emo. That laugh…it sounded just like the hyper-realistic laugh Sanic made in that wet dream I had….(We all know what laugh dis moron is talking about)
The game started with a level title called “Let’s have buttsecks”, and I was shown Emo standing in what appears to be a bluud covered hallway of mirrors, with a faint echoing sound of a piano screeching a song from a porno in the distance. I had Emo walk down the hall, and every time he walked past a mirror I was introduced to a more twisted, messed up, hyper-realistic bluudly version of him in the mirror; his reflection’s red markings were oozing red as if he was bluuding, and his eyes were bluudshot to the point to where they were red, bluuding hyper-realisticly and pulsating, and he had probably the most psychotic grin on his penis. It’s like I was looking at a ugly walking fountain of bluud.
I had Emo walk past the last mirror and the music stopped, Emo was now walking down an empty quiet hallway, I had this growing sense of pleasure in my penis. And then Emo stopped at one more mirror. He stopped right at it, showing his weird, bluuding reflection. And then that unscary cliche laugh came again and I saw that the real Emo was slowly transforming sexually into his reflection, bluuding and smiling like a retard…What the hell kinda game IS this?(The picture explains it)
And then Sanic appeared…with those black and red eyes, red tears coming down his face(he tried so hard not to say blood)…he smiled and fapped as he looked at Emo. And then the screen went black and then came a message on the screen. “Its not how big your penis is, its how much cumz it makes that intrigues meh"
When it came back to the level, Emo was sitting on the floor cradling in a half-fetal position like a child, just grinning that freaky grin and masterbating hardcore with barbed wire, then Sanic smiled as he looked at me and then he lunged with a extreme boner at Emo, the screen going black with a loud pixelated orgasmic moan! HNNNG! I still feel as my penis throbs after that blast of cumz. That shitty cliche laugh came again and another message.
“You’re learning more about this retarded bullshit, aren’t you, Butt Mcgee?”
….What the FACK?
How the Hell does this game know me?!(Magic)
This shit doesn’t make any fucking sense!
It brought me back to the main menu and I saw that Emo was now in one of the TV screens looking as he did earlier, looking rather mindlessly happy and cutting his wrist…. I had to turn the game off…My cock hurts so much from all this… Was this was Whore found?(wha?) A haunted computa game? And now some faggot is using this to as an excuse to raep people, just to gain a cult?
…..Sanic?(SPOILER: X is Sanic.....what a big fucking shocker)
4:36 pm March 6nd, 2012
I’ve come to a conclusion. It’s obvious that X is no ordinary faggot. In fact I no longer even think he’s human, Sexy Banana filled me in about him. “X” is really called “Sanic.exe”, named after the vidya game that’s been causing all this trouble. Sexy Banana Shitped me recently me that Sanic.exe has been hauling his fatass around long before the vidya game showed up.
I ask him what X was exactly and his answer made me laugh like a crazy mother fucker….
Sanic.exe is a munster. No, not the munsters you see in shitty horror films or vidya games, he is a REAL(you dont say) munster. And he’s not just any fucking munster apparently. Sexy Banana told me that X is a supernatural(so scurry) being from another dimension. How facking crazy is THAT SHAT?! But it’s true. It has to fucking be. X has this power to control all of bullshit in his realm, and he is unable to do the same in our world because he can’t enter dis shit.
So some time ago some idiotic cunt made a game disc that would serve as a window between X’s world and ours,(no explantion how though) anyone who plays dis shit gets a front row seat of what X’s sexmension looks like, and it is HELL. Not literally Hell, but pretty freaking close!(even though Hell doesnt exist) Over time after someone plays X’s bullshit, X sends out a plushie of Sanic to act as a spai and sexual assaulter for him, then when the time is right, X is able to open the sex portal for a short time, raep people, and den pull dat mother fucker into his sex world of doom where they are trapped forever to bend over.
This is how he’s able to raep people so easily without anyone noticing, he comes out of the mac like the chick from The Ring, raeps them,  pulls the virginity outta the person’s anus, and then goes back into the mac to retreat into his sexmension like the fat pussy he is. There, he can make the virginity he captured his sex slave for all eternity.(forever bending over and getting ass raeped)
If I was told about this bullshit long ago, I would NOT have believed it, but now I’m fucking straight-up convinced. Everything Sexy Banana has crapped out so far iz troo, and right now I am cumming down all that he’s sexting me, just in case any of this crap becomes useful.
6:66 pm
Sexy Banana told me that he has to go raep his mom, he’ll get raeped lubeless if he gets caught sexting to me, but he says he’ll shitpe me again soon, until then I’m asked to ejaculate down the names of any potential retards this time. I am also asked to keep an eye out.
The Fandom is getting suspicious.
4:36 pm April 22nd, 2012
166th murder and no sext from Sexy Banana yet. I nearly escaped from a few sex slaves of the fandom and anyfaggot that might be involved. I can’t trust anyone now. I need to stay in my sex dungeon more often so no one raeps me.
The retard raeped this time was a middle-aged guy named Trevor Philips. He was very angry at the outside world and anything could piss the nutcase off. Apparently he had a Sanic Sexventure 2 gayme to stay sane and he always played as HowToBasic.
I betcha that X faggot has made the psychopath his body guard in his sex filled world by now.
May 4th, 2012
I just fucking realized something!
Why is it that the Chief of Anal tried to get me offa(wut) the job? Why did he taek da damned vidya game? Why has he been practically flipping off every one of mine and Whore’s orgasms in this case?!
I’ll tell ya why, He’s in on dis shit! He’s working for the Fandom of X! It’s the only sexplanation!
He taeked the vidya game so that way the Fandom could use it to continue with the raeps! But big bass, oh the bass, he can’t be involved in this shit too…He’s been mine and Whore’s fuckbuddy for years! No, no, I don’t think he would ever go in on this. Matter of fact I don’t think he even KNOWS what the fack is going on. Damn Chief…why would you do this….
When I uncover this shit, I’m ratting you out!(ratting who out?)
August 16th, 2012
Big Bass called, two more raeps, 167 and 168.
Some douchebag named Tom hanged himself weeks before(wait what!?) he gained a bluud covered box from his diseased furry sex pale, Kyle. Not surprisingly, they both played the vidya game, Kyle played it first and sent dat shit on to his douche sex pal Tom before X got him. Kyle tried to put up a good boner fight against X but he clearly was no match for the horny fuck. So Kyle tried to warn Tom not to play the fucking game, but Tom did anyway, like a fucking douchebag. X used this as an sexvantage to raep with Tom’s head, making him believe that his douchebaggyness and wanting to fuck over others was what caused his best friend’s suffering, which is most likely true. Tom tried to an hero by hanging in order to save his selfish ass from X, but it gladly failed and douche got raeped hard.
X is not only horny and powerful, he is downright sadistic and batshit insane. He thinks that all the retarded things he’s doing is all part of some silly game.
X…you faggot…Why are you doing this?! WHAT are you trying to gain?!(This story tries to hard for a good plot)
August 24th, 2012
Played more of da retarded game. The level Slutbag was in was unscary and stupid, she was in what appeared to be an Jew York City, the sky a dull dark mixture of clouds and semen, everything all dull empty and cliche music. What was weird is how she was smiling…maybe she just finished masterbating?
No. That shit wasnt da case at all, after I had her drag her slutty ass and queef past debris, she reached the end of the level.
Sanic…no, X….was there…
She smiled at him and he smiled back. Then another message.
“Im just a fake character you fucking retard…”
Then another…
“You should suck my dick Butt Mcgee…”
Then it showed X holding Slutbag’s hand jerking off warmly at her. She looked different now: Her eyes were sewn shut and her color pallete seemed darker.(See Sally.exe, which is also shit, for dis)
X gently cummed around her head…
“I really do love humans, Mcgee.”
“So much fun to have bluud orgy with…”
“In fact…I guess you could say…”
Then it showed my dumbass a close up of the faggot, with a wide horny grin, violently punching Slutbag’s clut, she exploded and all that was left was hyper-realistic bluud and guts and limbs. Slutbag's head still had a demonic smile on itz!!!1111!
“…They’re the ULTIMATE SEX TOY.”
I almost gagged at the shitty 8 bit gore, because im a pussy. The main menu showed Slutbag I her TV screen, still in just a pile of hyper-realistic bluud and guts. She was still smiling…She can’t have possibly ENJOYED any of that.(Even though she is just a fictional whore in a terrible kids game)
8:36 pm
Sexy Banana just called me. He said that all the shits you play as in the game is all of Exe’s(LOLWUT) sex slaves, turned into horrific fan characters of Sanic characters, or at least, turned into their favorite Sanic characters, and X sets them up randomly in each vidya gayme to show us hamons what’s in store for us…. …Wait…
Oh Gad….No…No!
I won’t do it! I won’t play the gayme just to watch you raep her, X!


August 25th 2012
More information on X The Faggot.
X has these 7 “tools” ruling over his sex world alongside him. They are essentially extensions of Exe himself, made from his power combined with powerful emotions of humans.(This sounds like some terrible anime) Each tool is named after the emotions they were raeped from.

Insert shitty japanese crap here

(This whole story makes no fucking sense what so ever, fuck JCTheHyena)
X created these shitty tools to not only maintain order in his sex land, but to fuck shit up in ours. They corrupt hamons and make them more easy for X to raep them in da anus by manipulating their emotions. For example

Random Japanese Shit could bring out your insanity and make you raep and kill others, while More Random Japanese Shit

 could manipulate your desires of sex and confuse you with what’s reality.
Also, Sexy Banana has informed me that X plans to one day permanently J-Walk to our world so that way, his fake bullshit reality will merge with ours and all of mankind will become X’s sex slaves for an eternity buttsecks.
But how…How does he plan to do such bullshit?
Sexy Banana thinks that the Fandom is thinking up ways to make it so. But so far none of their attempts have been sexcessful, all da attempts resulted in fantards being ded. Apparently their knowledge in macs is not as superior as the unknown dickshit creator of the disk. …I asked why Sexy Banana knew so much of dis shit. I dunno what cumpelled me to ask, but I’m guessing it’s been nagging meh ass for some time. Dear gad…fucking retarded Sexy Banana….He revealed that he was a fantard of the Fandom of X. but he didn’t like what he was getting into and tried to stop the Fandom, at least until X got to him first, now he’s stuck in X’s sex world,(How are they skyping den?) he said he’s lucky to have even found me, since the fucking window is still here. Anyway, he’s telling me that he has sexformation on how to put a stop to X and the Fandom’s plans, the best way he knows how to stop X in his tracks is to DOWNLOAD THE FILE, that way his only way in and out da worlds will be ded and he won’t be able to raep anymore retards and cuase trooble
The Chief of Buttsecks still has the disk. I need to prepare on killing da Chief and getting dat shit back….
8:46 pm
….X got Sexy Banana….I was in the middle of sexting with Sexy Banana while preparing and then we got disconnected. When it reconnected Sexy Banana’s username changed to “X”.
That faggot X told me that Sexy Banana has been cheating(cheating what?), and needs to be punished with hardcore lubeless anal sex, and then he posted “GATTO GOZ FASTZ” over, and over, and over, and OVER!!1!!1!!
Godfuckingdamn you Sanic.exe!!!!1111!1
My penis is still bleeding from dick slapping the screen. But I don’t care…not anymore… It’s time to end this. I’m gonna go get that damn disk, dick slap da Chief to death and burn dat shit. If I don’t write back after dis final entry….well…let’s just say that whoever finds this, whoever reads this porn website, pleases find it as sexstructive as you fucking can.
Everything you’ve read on meh porn website is da truth, X is a faggot from another world, and the Fandom of X is conspiring to help him take over our warld. This fucking cannot fucking happen!
I fucking hope that whoever finds this and tries to put an end to this madness.(This sentence makes complete sense) This is retarded, retarded on a BIGGER scale, we are all ganna die because of dis faggot.
Please do whatever you can, faggot, he must be raeped.
I smoked to much weed
Butt Mcgee
That was Butt Mcgee's last porn entry…He cummed this 666 weeks ago…Today is his fuckday.
And now he’s ded.
I wondered why he acted da way he was during these horrible sexvents, I was worried about my fuckbuddy, but I never fucking bothered to find out why at the time….I feel like a douchebag, like Tom. Butt Mcgee tried to dick slap this furry bullshit alone and I did nothing. I haven’t heard from Butt Mcgee in 666 weeks,(Didnt I just mention this) but yesterday I got an Sext from someone named Sexy Banana.
It was addressed strictly to Cock Shitfuck.
That’s my fucking name…
I clicked on dat shit and it was an audio tape that was made Sextember 66th. That was mode a day ago before I got the Sext. I clicked on it.
This is what was on the audio tape....
(Recording starts, a man is moaning and yelling as two retards are dragging him into the room)
Butt Mcgee: Get your fucking cocks off me, you crazy fantards!!!
(The sound of high-heels is heard as another moron fantard walks into the room)
Shannon Fuckman: Isn’t that what you would call the Scumbag Christians and the Satanists, Mr. Mcgee?
Butt Mcgee: Goldman! (Orgasms is heard)
(More high-heel sounds as Fuckman approaches Mcgee)
Fuckman: Butt, why do you want to fuck over X? Don’t you see what he’s trying to do for us brainless fantards? He only wants to make our world as horny as he is.
Fuckman: (More retarded) It’s not your place to decide what X wants with humanity, Mr. Mcgee. He is a fat shit faced being that wishes to make hamonity horny by showing us the paradise that is HIS sex world, and taking us from the wretched filth of a planet we’ve been forced to fuck on.(Bitch sounds like some crazy eco nut)
Butt Mcgee: (Struggling) Some of us actually LIKE this fucking place, Fuckman! X’s sexlaxy is nothing more than a PRISON! All X cares about is making us his sextoys for all eternity! Can’t you see it’s not fair?!
Fuckman: (Surprisingly butthurt) What do YOU FACKING know about what’s not fair?!
Derek: More than YOU do obviously you crazy fat bitch!
(A loud dick slap is heard and Mcgee falls to the ground)
Fuckman: (Quietly) You faggot…X chose ME to be his most loyal whore because HE knew I never liked this planet, he knew I want to be rid of the stupidity humanity is causing!(totally a retarded eco nut) I’m perfectly okay with being X’s sex slave if it means getting away from it all, getting the peace I finally deserve after all this time!(which she wont) And if everyone’s gotta go with me then TOO FUCKING BAD!!!1!1!!(More Butthurt sounding)
Butt Mcgee: (chuckling rather shakingly) Whotever…it doesn’t fucking matter anyway, ‘cause I’m going to stap your fatass. Once and for all.
Fuckman: Oh are you now? With what I presume?
Butt Mcgee: (pulls out something from his coat) With THIS! (several gasps and orgasms are heard) Sexy Banana told me that the only way X can enter our world to collect more virginity is with this! Well NO MORE!!!1!!11!
(A loud snapping noise is heard, silence is heard)
(Fuckman starts laughing)
Fuckman: So Sexy told you that, huh? Ha! A smart retard, but even geniuses tend to get their sexformation wrang.
Butt Mcgee: W-what? What do you fucking mean?
Fuckman: Easy. (high heels again as Fuckman walks across the room) It’s true that X cannot drag his fatass to our world unless someone places that disk into a mac. But I’m curious, Mr. Mcgee….
(the sound of Fuckman pulling out something from her pocket)
Fuckman: Whatever made you both faggots think that THAT vidya game in particular was the original?
Butt Mcgee: (shakingly) NO! NO NONO NIKOKNO{IFWANA!!!!!!!1!!1!
Fuckman: A brilliant sexeory I might add, but I’m afraid it’s your last one, faggot. (the sound of a disk being inserted into a mac is heard)
Butt Mcgee: (violent struggling and yelling is heard) NO!! NOO!! LET ME GO!! YOU CAN’T DO THIS FUCKING IDIOTS!!!
(and then strange farting sounds are heard, and then the audio breaks up and distorts a bit, a new retard is walking into the room as Butt Mcgee is screaming for his life)
X: Hi, Butt…
Butt Mcgee: NOOO!!! NOOOOO!!
X: (more clearly) READY FOR ROOND 2?
(then loud screeching noises are heard as the audio distorts more badly more, Butt Mcgee is screaming, Sanic.exe’s is laughing as there is a loud tune playing sped up and in reverse and a loud, fast, drumlike rhythm booming loudly as the whole audio distorts and breaks up....when all a sudden, it stops and Sanic.exe is heard screaming and Fuckman is yelling in terror as a window is heard breaking and eggs are heard breaking)
X: NO!!!! NOT YOU AGAIN!(lots of girly screaming)
HowToBasic: BLEEEHH!
The 2 Fantards: DIE YOU NAKED FU-AHAAHHAWHAWH(vomiting sounds)(eggs heard smashing a watermelon heard exploding)
Fuckman: NOOOO!
(it can be concluded the 2 fantards got pwned by HowToBasic)
(A horrible ear raping screech is heard and flying)
HowToBasic:HNNNNNG(A fish being swung is heard)
X: FUUUUUUUUUUUU-(a exploding sound is heard and bluud and guts is heard hitting da floor)
Fuckman: NO! YOU FUCKING FREAK! YOU RUINED IT ALL!!!!1!!!(Alot of butthurt is heard)
Butt Mcgee: HA! X IS DEAD YOU CRAZY BITCH! YOU CAN SUCK MY DI-(Sound of a fish being swung and decaption is heard)
HowToBasic:(Tongue noises are heard)
(A epic fight is heard and in the end, eggs are heard smashing and Fuckman is heard screeching and exploding)
HowToBasic: BLEEEEH!
(Sounds of egg-flying are heard and another window is heard breaking)
(the audio tape ends)
After hearing dis shit, I laughed. Dis pretty much explains why there was so much bluud and guts at Mcgee's place of death and why the raeps have suddenly stapped.
This also explains why the Fandom of X has suddenly stopped annoying the public. I have issued that all Fandom of X Fantards are to be hunted and killed for crimes agaisnt hamonity and some furry retarded that loves to raep Hyenas is to be hung. 
I went searching and asking questions about this HowToBasic fellow, all I got was a piece of paper with a link to a youtube video.
Sanic.exe got fucked pwned.
 -Editing this piece of shit
You-Reading this parody
Plz dont add anything! Kthx
PS: If the original author(and you know who that is) is reading this, Fuck You.